Canadian media are harming children with their defense of transgender ideology

Sep 20, 2023 by

by Jonathon Van Maren, LifeSite:

The CBC and other outlets are fearmongering and demonizing anyone who defends parental rights and refuses to accept that sex-change ‘treatments’ are good for a child.

As multiple provinces move to protect parental rights, the Canadian press is ramping up their propaganda campaign on behalf of the transgender movement. Regular readers of this column will know that I’ve written quite a bit on this unfolding press campaign. That’s because what we’re watching is a gaslighting in real time, and I think it is very important to clearly identify what the media is up to. I’ve noted that the Toronto Star calls parents knowing their child’s “gender identity” a “privilege;” the Globe and Mail claiming that resolutions at the Conservative Party convention threaten the lives of children; nearly the entire press corps targeting politicians who dare to stand up for parents and their children.

The latest is a long-form piece by the CBC published on September 18 titled “Trans teens and youth say gender-affirming care is ‘life-changing.’ So why is it so hard to find in Canada?” While not mentioning it explicitly, this article is clearly in response to a Conservative Party convention resolution — which passed by a large margin — to condemn sex changes for minors. Here’s how the article opens:

Crow Heyden-Kaye was in Grade 8 when a worksheet handed out during class asked students to consider how they would describe their gender.

It was the first time it occurred to Crow that “girl” didn’t actually fit with how he felt. Over the next few years, he began using the pronouns they and them. In Grade 10, he came out as trans. His pronouns are “he” and “they.”

This, in so many words, is precisely what so many parents are concerned about — that children who might struggle with their identity (as many do) may have the idea that they were simply born in the wrong body planted in their minds by LGBT curriculum. Identity struggles are not new; school staff facilitating social transition and sex changes is. Before this assignment, Heyden-Kaye hadn’t considered not being a girl. But after the assignment, it “occurred to Crow” that perhaps “girl” wasn’t an accurate describer of … well, feelings. How adults respond to gender confusion in children can determine their trajectory. More:

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