Cancelled from Mere Anglicanism

Jan 21, 2024 by

by Calvin Robinson:

I have been cancelled a few times now. This is the first time I have been cancelled from an event during the event. I apologise to people who were looking forward to the panel discussion and Q&A.

On Friday 19th January I gave a talk at the Mere Anglicanism conference in Charleston, South Carolina. I was given the brief of, “Critical Theories are Antithetical to the Gospel. I wanted to address the root of the problem rather than the symptoms, which we spend too much time focussing on. It was my point that the reason Gender Theory, Queer Theory and Critical Race Theory are so prevalent in the Church today is because we have conceded too much ground to Feminism.

They are all forms of liberalism. So I wanted to address them head on.

In the first part of the essay, I discussed how the issue of liberalism in the Church is directly related to how we perceive men and women, and the connection with women’s orders.

In the latter part of the essay, I spoke of the wicked roots of Marxism. We often blame ‘Marxism’ for these Critical Theories, so I wanted to look into the origins of it, which I believe to be evil at its very core. We look at Karl Karx’s interpretation of Martin Luther in his response to Hegel. Marx saw that the Protestant Reformation was a tool he could use to further divide man from God’s order. The question is how successful he been?

Feminism is a tool of entryism for the Critical Theories. Women’s orders, in particular, confuse our understanding of men roles and women’s roles and our place in creation, and Marx’s manipulations of Luther’s work are an attack on God.

The reception to the following talk was mostly positive. I have received a lot of great feedback from people who found it helpful and truthful. I received some friendly, charitable challenge, too. As well as a couple of complaints from feminists who did not appreciate my perspective. Both complaints were hostile, emotional responses, which suggested they were not theological disagreements but of a more personal nature.

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