Canterbury Primates’ Meeting – news and commentary (frequently updated)
Articles and other resources representing a number of different views, with newer posts at the top as of 8th January.
Official statement from Primates 2016
Primates Meeting 2016 Update from Archbishop Beach, ACNA
Should I Stay Or Should I Go? Why the GAFCON Primates Chose to Thrash it Out by David Ould
Anglican communion to restrict US Church over gay marriage, BBC News (with analysis by Caroline Wyatt, Religion Correspondent)
Misinformation, half-truths and lies stalk primates meeting by David Virtue, VOL
Pageantmaster’s analysis of the meeting’s outcome, and more here, T19
Cape Town archbishop’s message from Canterbury, Anglican Ink
Statement by Archbishop Mouneer Anis on discipline of the Episcopal Church, Anglican Ink
“Consequences, not Discipline” for TEC by David Ould, Stand Firm
Canadian conservatives respond to Canterbury communique, Anglican Ink
Statement by the Bishop of Washington on the Canterbury communique, Anglican Ink
Church of England leaders condemn same sex marriage, Daily Mail
Anglican church avoids split over gay rights – but liberals pay price from The Guardian
GAFCON statement on the 2016 Primates Gathering, T19
Primates suspend Episcopal Church from full participation in the Anglican Communion, Anglican Ink
Anglicans step back from brink of schism over homosexuality by John Bingham, Telegraph
Primates Meeting: Archbishop of Uganda walks out over ‘torn fabric’ of Anglican Communion by Mark Woods, Christian Today
Ugandan Archbishop: why I walked out of the Primates gathering in Canterbury by Madeleine Davies, Church Times
Ugandan Primate Leaves Primatial Meeting Early by David Virtue, VOL
US Episcopal Church could face sanctions for appointing gay bishops by Ruth Gledhill, Christian Today
#Primates2016 Day 4 – Your Guess is as Good as Mine by David Ould, Stand Firm
Further reports on the meeting of Anglican Communion Primates – Church of England Digest
From My Ear to Your Ear: “Trust us” say GAFCON Primates by David Virtue, VOL
Blackout in Canterbury by George Conger, Anglican Ink
Archbishops ‘treated like children’ in church gay crisis talks by John Bingham, Telegraph
Handicapping the Primates’ sweepstake by George Conger, Anglican Ink
Anglican Primates should ‘kick back and have fun’ because they’ll never agree on homosexuality, expert says by Ruth Gledhill, Christian Today
The Primates and the “reality” of the Anglican Communion byNeil Dhingra, The Living Church
Further reports on the meeting of Anglican Communion Primates
One sentence in Canterbury’s address shows why managerial solution is unravelling by Julian Mann
#Primates2016 Day 2 – The Facade Begins to Crumble by David Ould, Stand Firm
Second day report — deadlock in Canterbury by George Conger, Anglican Ink
Canterbury Trails, Tales or Trials? Anglican Unscripted
GAFCON message of thanks for prayers in advance of Canterbury summit by Peter Jensen, Anglican Ink
Stonewall CEO: A split in the Anglican Church could be dangerous for LGBT people – religious or not by Ruth Hunt, Telegraph
Anglican summit: Traditionalists’ anger over Justin Welby’s federal plan by John Bingham, Telegraph
Digest: Reports from the gathering of the Anglican Communion Primates from the Church of England website
“Text of Archbishop Welby’s #Primates2016 Address” Released by David Ould
What’s at Stake for Primates? by John Martin, The Living Church
What is the Primates’ Meeting all about? by Ian Paul, Psephizo (reposted from September 2015)
The schism in the Anglican Church might be a good thing by Sally Hitchiner, Telegraph
CANTERBURY: Last throw of the dice by 38 Anglican Primates to save Communion, says Welby by David Virtue, VOL
First Day report on the 2016 primates gathering in Canterbury by George Conger, Anglican Ink
The agenda is the first item on the agenda at the Primates gathering, Anglican Ink
Schism would not be a disaster says Welby, Anglican Ink
A.S. Haley contemplates the Bare ruin’d choirs of Anglicanism, Anglican Ink
Wet, cold start to primates gathering in Canterbury by George Conger, Anglican Ink
What does grace demand? by Ian Paul, Psephizo
Church split over homosexuality would be a failure – Welby. BBC
Digest: Reports ahead of Anglican Communion Primates meeting in Canterbury
Why the Anglicans’ meeting matters, The Economist
Those who do not learn from history … by Gavin Ashenden, Anglican Ink
Anglican communion’s ‘bitter divide’ over gay rights by Caroline Wyatt, BBC
African Anglicans may trigger formal schism of Church at Canterbury meeting by Paul Peachey, Independent
This is the week the Anglican church might fall apart by Charles Moore, Telegraph
All eyes turn to Canterbury as Primates’ Gathering draws near by Mary Ann Mueller, VOL
Senior Anglicans call for repentance over sexual discrimination by Harriet Sherwood, Guardian
Dean of St Paul’s: Anglicans need each other despite deep split over homosexuality by David Ison, Christian Today
‘Last roll of the dice’ for the Anglican communion, BBC Radio 4
The spinning has started against orthodox Anglican archbishops by Julian Mann, TCW
‘Repent’ call to Church over gay Christian treatment, BBC
Senior Church liberals pile pressure on Archbishop to stop the ‘vilification’ of gay Christians by Jonathan Petre, Mailonline
Open letter to Archbishops of Canterbury and York
Primates’ Meeting 2016: Separating the Eloi from the Morlocks by Archbishop Cranmer
Justin Welby summit to tackle Anglican break up by John Bingham, Telegraph
It’s not just the Gays by Peter Mullen
The Anglican Communion: Consensus, Conundrum, Consequences, Conversation and Confession by Andrew Goddard, Fulcrum
Portents, Prophecy and Predictions – What Will Happen at the Primates’ Meeting? by David Ould, Stand Firm
A Letter from Archbishop Beach on the Upcoming Primates Gathering, ACNA
What is at Stake at the Primates’ Meeting by Matt Kennedy, Stand Firm
Twenty-first Century Brought Family Disagreement at the Primates Meeting, Virtueonline
A collect for the Primates Gathering, from GAFCON
Crisis in the Anglican Communion: recent history and potential outcomes, by Andrew Symes, Anglican Mainstream
A Deeper Look at the Issues facing 38 Anglican Primates in Canterbury by David W Virtue, VOL
High Stakes, Three Facts by Bowman Walton, Fulcrum
New website from Anglican Communion Office here
January 2016, from the GAFCON website
Why Gafcon truly matters, by Peter Jensen, GAFCON
Canterbury Primates Meeting – ‘good disagreement’ and a potential future, by Andrew Symes, Anglican Mainstream.
Must Canterbury Fall? by Vinay Samuel and Chris Sugden, CEN
The Primates’s Dilemma: Game Theory and the Anglican Communion by Christopher Craig Brittain, ABC Religion & Ethics
Uganda will walk out of Primates Meeting, if “godly order” not restored by Stanley Ntagali, Anglican Ink
The Anglican Church of Canada AKA The Episcopal Church (North) by Canon Phil Ashey, AAC
Primates meetings under Rowan Williams (2003-2011), A historical review of the meetings and comment at the time from Fulcrum, by Andrew Goddard, Fulcrum
Statements from past Primates meetings, collated by Andrew Goddard, Fulcrum
Archbishop Justin Welby calls for prayer ahead of Primates’ Meeting
Primatial option for the Covenant from The Living Church
Repent or we quit say bishops in gays feud by Jonathan Petre, Mail on Sunday
Eliud Wabukala writes to Gafcon clergy about forthcoming primates’ gathering, Anglican Ink
What is at stake in Canterbury by Eliud Wabukala, Anglican Ink
Kenya reaffirms break with TEC by George Conger, Anglican Ink
To mend the net? by Charles Raven, Anglican Ink
Pastoral Letter from the Chairman of the GAFCON Primates Council
Kenyan and Canadian Anglican Archbishops at Odds over Primates’ Meeting in Canterbury by David Virtue, VOL
How Will Orthodox Archbishops React to Canterbury’s Spectator Interview ahead of January Summit? by Julian Mann, VOL
Why Archbishop of Canterbury’s ‘gay wedding pledge’ is more important than you think by Radhika Sanghani, Telegraph
Martyn Percy on sex and the Anglican Communion: 20 holes in his argument by Andrew Symes, Anglican Mainstream
Martyn Percy’s non-sense poetry on sexuality by Ian Paul, Psephizo
I wouldn’t start from here – a response to Martyn Percy By Martin Davie