Church strikes a rare blow against the abortion industry

Jul 14, 2024 by

by Julian Mann, TCW: AT the Church of England’s General Synod last Sunday, a motion challenging the abortion industry won unanimous support in an institution otherwise riddled with wokery. Though the motion on ‘Human Dignity of Disabled...

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Abortion-up-to-birth advocate’s ministerial appointment alarms pro-lifers

Jul 11, 2024 by

from Christian Today: Right to Life UK has expressed concerns about the appointment of Diana Johnson as Home Office Minister. Johnson, MP for Kingston upon Hull North and Cottingham, has previously tried to legalise abortion on demand up...

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Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby claims his wife felt pressured to abort their disabled daughter

Jul 8, 2024 by

by Olivia Christie, Mailonline: The Archbishop of Canterbury has revealed his wife felt pressured to abort their disabled child by hospital staff. Justin Welby’s daughter, Ellie, who is now aged 32, suffers from dyspraxia – a...

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Why are major moral issues such as abortion totally absent from British elections?

Jul 5, 2024 by

by Greg Swenson, Conservative Home: Last Thursday, the starting gun was fired on the US election campaign as Joe Biden and Donald Trump faced off in the first presidential debate. The debate took place 24 hours after the final...

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‘Progressive’ Ireland: One in Six Pregnancies Now Ends in Abortion

Jul 4, 2024 by

By Thomas O’Reilly, European Conservative. The Republic of Ireland recorded an almost 20% increase in abortions performed in 2023 alone, ending approximately one-sixth of all pregnancies. With a cumulative total of just over 36,000...

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With Abortions and Rainbows for All

Jun 29, 2024 by

by John Murdock, First Things: Should I have been surprised that exists? Joe Biden has shifted from touting his long record of supporting the Hyde Amendment and opposing late-term abortions to making unfettered...

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