Rwanda Bill is finally passed, despite objections from the Lords, including all CofE bishops

Apr 23, 2024 by

from Religion Media Centre: The Rwanda Bill, allowing asylum seekers in the UK without a visa to be deported, has finally been passed by parliament after the Lords gave up their fight acknowledging the primacy of the House of Commons. The...

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Why was an Afghan flasher granted asylum?

Apr 13, 2024 by

by Rakib Ehsan, spiked: Our dysfunctional asylum system is putting the safety of British citizens at risk. Every time I think that I can no longer be surprised by the failures of the UK’s immigration and asylum system, another...

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Asylum ‘pray to stay’ row deepens

Apr 8, 2024 by

by Emily Jane Davies, Daily Mail: Iranian migrant ‘told officials he converted to Christianity despite only knowing one commandment’. The row over asylum seekers who claim they have converted to Christianity has deepened after...

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The asylum system is completely broken

Mar 28, 2024 by

Telegraph Editorial: The Ezedi case is part of a worrying trend. The courts are increasingly overturning Home Office decisions to deny asylum. Individual cases can often tell a story far better than a welter of statistics. The way Abdul...

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Clergy must not neglect their duty to the nation

Mar 28, 2024 by

by Michael Nazir-Ali, Telegraph: Churches have a duty to welcome asylum seekers who want to convert. But they shouldn’t be naive. Churches and clergy are under scrutiny once again as it appears that the Clapham chemical attacker had been...

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Churches risk undermining asylum system after Clapham attacker’s conversion, says Home Office

Mar 27, 2024 by

by Charles Hymas, Telegraph: Abdul Ezedi’s faith accepted as genuine even though he failed Christianity test. The Clapham chemical attacker was granted asylum despite the Home Office warning that he had failed a Christianity test and was...

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