How can All Flourish in Church Schools?

Jul 26, 2024 by

By Ian Paul, Psephizo: ‘Valuing All God’s Children’ (VAGC) was first published in 2014 in response to research claiming to show homophobic bullying was something which needed particular attention in Church schools. It was revised in 2017...

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How schools are sexualising childhood

Jul 25, 2024 by

by Joanna Williams, spiked: Gender ideology and extreme sexual practices are being taught to increasingly younger children. Alarm about children being taught highly sexualised, politically loaded and age-inappropriate topics in school...

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Parents fight back with lawsuit challenging California public school gender notification ban

Jul 22, 2024 by

by Jonathon Van Maren, The Bridgehead: On Monday, July 15, California became the first state in America to require educators in the public school system to keep it a secret if their children choose to identify as a different gender or...

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Federal judges uphold Tennessee law prohibiting children from attending drag shows

Jul 22, 2024 by

by Calvin Freiburger, LifeSite: A three-judge panel of the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed Tennessee’s right to prohibit sexually-charged performances from venues accessible to minors, enabling the state to crack down on...

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Draft CofE schools’ guidance ditches biological reality for gender ideology

Jul 19, 2024 by

from The Christian Institute: Draft guidance on bullying for Church of England schools requires them to dispense with traditional language in favour of woke jargon. Flourishing for All: Anti-bullying Guidance from the National Society,...

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Is the fear of having children bringing the West to the brink of extinction?

Jul 9, 2024 by

by David Thunder, Mercator: We are living at a time when a large segment of the world — particularly societies in Europe, North America and Asia — no longer views having children as something desirable or worthwhile. Whereas before,...

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