Will the ‘Church of England’ collapse?

Jul 25, 2024 by

from Anglican Futures: Andrew Goddard has written an article comparing the current state of the Church of England to a “game of episcopal Jenga”. He sees what is already, “a rather precarious tower of Jenga bricks” due to “falling...

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Meeting of the House of Bishops – July 2024

Jul 19, 2024 by

Press Release, Church of England Media Centre. The House of Bishops convened online on 15 July. The House discussed the next steps for the LLF process following the motion passed by the General Synod earlier in the month, including plans...

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Church of England Goes through Sexual Contortions to Permit the Impermissible

Jul 18, 2024 by

by David Virtue, VOL: The Church of England’s attempt to jam same-sex unions down the throats of all believers is as audacious as Nik Wallenda’s crossing Niagara Falls on a tightrope. Your heart is in your throat and you...

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CEEC commissions first set of overseers

Jul 13, 2024 by

Press Release from CEEC. The Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) has commissioned its first set of overseers, in a service today at All Souls Langham Place, in London. The introduction of the Ephesian Fund and Alternative...

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Marriage, identity and the Church of England

Jun 28, 2024 by

by Thomas Brand, Greater Love: The Greater Love Declaration brings orthodox Christians together from across the denominations.   In our latest update video, we focus on the upcoming Church of England’s General Synod, which...

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Distrust pervasive in Church of England

Jun 25, 2024 by

by Madeleine Davies, Church Times: THE “immensely destructive” use of social media is among the factors highlighted in a new review of trust and trustworthiness in the Church of England. In addition to “major and traumatising breaches of...

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