In Search of the Self

Jun 27, 2024 by

By John F Doherty, Public Discourse. Our culture’s crisis of the self is a crisis of faith in our personhood; its cause is our ignorance of the God who best reveals what a person is. Self-expression now preoccupies the thoughts of a large...

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Whole counsel of God

Jun 14, 2024 by

from The Christian Institute: Christ’s death and resurrection are the heart of the Gospel. But the Gospel does not just stop at our conversion. God’s word gives vital principles for living today and prepares us for our life to come. If...

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Rico: ‘I was naïve about current culture in the CofE’

Apr 28, 2024 by

by Iain Taylor, evangelicals now: Well-known evangelist Rico Tice has recently left the Church of England and now worships at the International Presbyterian Church (IPC), Ealing. In an exclusive interview with Evangelicals Now, he...

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A diamond mine of practical Christian teaching

Apr 28, 2024 by

by Julian Mann, TCW: THE New Testament letter of James, far from being ‘an epistle of straw’ with ‘nothing of the nature of the Gospel about it’ as Martin Luther dismissed it in 1522, is actually full of Christian grace and truth. The...

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Finnish Christian MP to appear before Supreme Court over ‘hate crime’ Bible tweet

Apr 22, 2024 by

from The Christian Institute: A Christian politician in Finland will be forced to stand trial for the third time, despite twice being vindicated over allegations of “hate speech” for sharing the Bible’s teaching on homosexuality. In...

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Follow Christ’s example and suffer for your faith

Apr 14, 2024 by

by Julian Mann, TCW: THE Prayer Book Epistle reading for today, the second Sunday after Easter, is a strong encouragement to Christians suffering for their faith. The passage is from the Apostle Peter’s first New Testament letter, written...

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