Truth, One Billboard at a Time

Jul 17, 2024 by

By Robert Clarke, European Conservative. Age-old ‘blasphemy’ laws are back. This time around, they’re called ‘hate speech’ laws. No child has ever been born in the wrong body. It’s a simple message—the true ones usually are. Yet in our...

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Who will defend free speech in this election?

Jun 26, 2024 by

by Marc Glendening, spiked: A new campaign is asking parliamentary candidates to support this most fundamental of rights. Free speech has come under sustained attack in Britain in recent years. New hate-crime legislation criminalises an...

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Response to Office of Students consultation on free speech guidance

Jun 2, 2024 by

from Christian Concern: Christian Concern has responded to the consultation on free speech in universities in England by the Office for Students. The Office for Students wanted the public’s views on its draft guidance on freedom of speech...

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Losing faith in our police

May 25, 2024 by

by Julian Mann, Christian Today: When I rang Northamptonshire Police about the allegation that one of their officers had threatened to disrupt a committee meeting of democratically elected local councillors, a recorded message told...

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Freedom And Its Friends

May 22, 2024 by

By Rollin Grams, Bible and Mission.   I believe in freedom.’ ‘Do you mean freedom of speech?’ ‘That and everything.’ ‘I don’t.  How could you allow hate speech?’ ‘I don’t like it, but who am I to shut someone else up?  And if I do,...

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Councillor faced police threats for free speech beliefs

May 20, 2024 by

from Christian Concern: A democratically elected Conservative councillor launched a formal complaint to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) after officers threatened to storm a council building and arrest him if he attended a...

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