Cambridge University is in a state of moral collapse

Jul 25, 2024 by

by Zoe Strimpel, Telegraph: The institution has gone from being a beacon of excellence to a swamp of third-class ideas, poisoned by the worst of the social sciences. It’s embarrassing, really. But it’s also deeply sad. For several months...

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Is Israel really waging an immoral war against Hamas?

Jul 24, 2024 by

by James M Thunder, Mercator: Mercator has commendably published six thoughtful articles on the Gaza War since its inception on October 7: Michael Cook’s Stop this madness. Declare a ceasefire (Oct 26); Hendrik van der Breggen’s In...

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Britain’s UNRWA disgrace

Jul 23, 2024 by

by Melanie Phillips: The new Labour government is helping fund terrorism and incitement. Britain has resumed funding the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA), the body that provides education, health...

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Is Israel really waging an immoral war against Hamas?

Jul 23, 2024 by

By James Thunder, Mercator. Mercator has commendably published six thoughtful articles on the Gaza War since its inception on October 7: Michael Cook’s Stop this madness. Declare a ceasefire (Oct 26); Hendrik van der Breggen’s In defence...

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The crimes of Mohammed Deif

Jul 19, 2024 by

by Daniel Ben-Ami, spiked: Israel is more than justified in targeting this warmongering Hamas leader. There were not one, but two assassination attempts last Saturday. By far the best known was the bid to murder former US president Donald...

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Pro-Palestinian MP told rally there was ‘no difference’ between Israeli government and Isis

Jul 14, 2024 by

by Camilla Turner, Telegraph: Speaking in Hyde Park in 2014, Adnan Hussain told crowd: ‘Isis are terrorists and so are the Israeli government’ A newly-elected MP who won his seat on a pro-Palestinian ticket once told a Gaza rally that...

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