Make this election a plebiscite on woke politicians

Jul 23, 2024 by

by Michael Cook, Mercator: I confess to having been duped. Stupid of me. Being of a certain age myself, when Joe Biden froze, when he couldn’t remember a name, I made excuses for him. Those policies which I didn’t like were his...

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Federal judges uphold Tennessee law prohibiting children from attending drag shows

Jul 22, 2024 by

by Calvin Freiburger, LifeSite: A three-judge panel of the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed Tennessee’s right to prohibit sexually-charged performances from venues accessible to minors, enabling the state to crack down on...

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Faith and beliefs of Kamala Harris

Jul 22, 2024 by

from Religion Media Centre: The Christian Post delves into the beliefs and voting record of vice president Kamala Harris, widely tipped to replace Biden in the presidential election. It points to her support for abortion rights, same sex...

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Third of Democrats wish Donald Trump had been killed

Jul 21, 2024 by

by Eric Kaufmann, UnHerd: A third of Democratic voters I surveyed in a snap poll on 18 July openly agreed with the statement “I wish Trump’s assassin hadn’t missed.” Looking beneath the numbers, the new moral absolutism of the progressive...

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Police investigate fears ‘undue’ spiritual influence was used in general election

Jul 19, 2024 by

by Camilla Turner, Telegraph: In June The Sunday Telegraph revealed concerns about imams in Leicester East exerting spiritual pressure over Muslim voters. Police are investigating whether “undue” spiritual influence was used during the...

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Miraculous? Donald Trump’s bloody ear and the prayer that preceded it

Jul 18, 2024 by

by Gavin Ashenden, Catholic Herald: Fr. Jason Charron is a Ukrainian Catholic priest. He was telephoned by the Trump campaign team and invited to open Donald Trump’s rally on Saturday evening with prayers, which he did. In particular he...

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