Canada’s National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day – report

Jun 15, 2024 by

by Jack Fonseca, CLC: There was a widespread media blackout on coverage of our second annual National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day, but the truth must be told, hence this update. The Walk-Out Days were held in protest of the insidious LGBT...

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‘Queers for Palestine,’ Like ‘Minks for Fur Coats,’ Support Those Who Want to Slaughter Them

Jun 3, 2024 by

by Bassam Tawil, Gatestone Institute: The anti-Israel group “Queers for Palestine,” whose members frequently demonstrate in the streets of US cities to criticize Israel for defending itself against Islamist terrorists, has...

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Religion is the most powerful force for good in society. Why does the media ignore it?

Jun 3, 2024 by

by Michael Cook, Mercator: The first Sunday in June this year was a global day of parades and processions, some publicised, others ignored. My vote for the most entertaining was Philadelphia’s gay pride march yesterday. The weather was...

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Thousands sign petition protesting Progress Pride flags on London’s Regent Street

May 30, 2024 by

from Christian Today: Nearly 20,000 people have signed a petition protesting plans to display Progress Pride flags along one of London’s most famous thoroughfares. The petition was launched by Christian Concern ahead of the display...

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London’s Jews are fighting back against the bigots

May 25, 2024 by

by James Heartfield, spiked: The anti-Israel mob failed to cancel a film screening about the horrors of 7 October. On Thursday evening, over 1,500 members of London’s Jewish community and their allies chased off an anti-Israel protest...

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“The Far Left is the Useful Idiot of Islamism”: An Interview with Emmanuel Razavi

May 24, 2024 by

From: European Conservative. “The Iranian Islamists have an expression that goes something like: ‘first Israel, then the West.’ I think this shows what they’re up to.” According to a report by the Institute...

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