Faith at work: what you need to know

Apr 16, 2024 by

by Roger Kiska, Christian Concern: Roger Kiska (Christian Legal Centre) provides insight into the rights that Christians have in the workplace as they seek to live biblically faithful lives. It is becoming increasingly difficult for...

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The persecution of Felix Ngole

Apr 7, 2024 by

by Lauren Smith, spiked: Christians are being hounded out of social work in the name of ‘tolerance’. It seems like social work is no place for Christians in the UK. Felix Ngole, a social worker and pastor, had a job offer withdrawn last...

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Resisting oppressive hate crime laws will come at a cost

Apr 6, 2024 by

by Julian Mann, Christian Today: Feminists in Scotland are closing ranks against the SNP’s new hate crime law in Scotland, but how will orthodox Christians fare under the regime? Harry Potter author JK Rowling, the most high-profile...

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Charity representative claims John 3:16 is triggering, can lead to death

Apr 6, 2024 by

from Christian Concern: While giving evidence in the case of Felix Ngole, a senior member of staff at Touchstone Support Leeds said that sharing the belief that there are only two genders could ‘lead to death.’ Mr Dave Pickard also said...

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Another recusal as tribunal member steps down over ‘real possibility of bias’

Apr 4, 2024 by

from Christian Concern: For the second time in a fortnight, a panel member presiding over a high-profile Christian freedoms case was forced to recuse himself due to a ‘real possibility of bias.’ Leeds Employment Tribunal heard the case of...

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Social worker denied ‘dream job’ after Christian beliefs discovered

Apr 2, 2024 by

from Christian Concern: This week, a Leeds employment tribunal will hear the case of a Christian social worker who was given a choice by a Stonewall backed NHS provider to ‘embrace and promote LGBTQ+ rights’ or have a job offer withdrawn....

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