‘Canada is a nightmare of Britain’s future’

Sep 8, 2023 by

from The Christian Institute: Britain must shun Canada’s ‘dystopian social revolution’, a journalist has warned. The Telegraph documentary ‘Canada’s woke nightmare: A warning to the West’, by Steven Edginton, follows the adverse impact of...

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What is the Labour party really saying on sex and gender?

Jul 28, 2023 by

by Carys Moseley,  Christian Concern: On Monday, Anneliese Dodds, the chair of the Labour party, put in writing in an article in the Guardian what Labour’s position will be on sex and transgender policies from now on. Sections of the...

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The sexual holy war is coming for you

Jul 24, 2023 by

by Matthew Crawford, UnHerd: Our therapeutic state smothers the human spirit. “Children in their games are wont to submit to rules which they have themselves established, and to punish misdemeanours which they have themselves defined.”...

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The World Health Organization has a message for parents: ‘sexuality education starts at birth’

May 15, 2023 by

by Malcolm Roberts, MerctorNet: The United Nations is the last organisation which should be giving advice this sensitive topic. The World Health Organisation has orchestrated a “framework for policy makers, educational and health...

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Christian Resistance Pt 1

Mar 23, 2023 by

by Campbell Campbell-Jack, A Grain of Sand: A Rival Religion We repeatedly witness new, alarming, and sometimes bizarre examples of woke culture. From demands that free speech be curtailed for fear someone’s feelings are hurt, to...

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The American nightmare

Jun 18, 2022 by

by Rakib Ehsan, Artillery Row: America’s toxic racial politics cannot be allowed to take root in Britain. Being raised in predominantly working-class and super-diverse Luton — a town that experienced its fair share of troubles when it...

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