Disney vs democracy

Apr 4, 2022 by

by Brendan O’Neill, spiked: I’m old enough to remember when radicals were wary of capitalism. Some of them even wanted to overthrow it. Not anymore. Now the left is less interested in toppling the boss class than it is in begging...

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The death of Europe

Dec 7, 2021 by

by Brendan O’Neill, spiked: Mandatory vaccination spells the violent end of European liberalism. Europe is on a precipice. It has marched, blindly, towards something very much resembling tyranny. Austria will shortly criminalise...

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Barricading the bully pulpit

Nov 20, 2021 by

by Sebastian Milbank, The Critic: The Online Harms Bill promises safety for children but protects the very elites who corrupt and harm the young. When we talk about “British values” or sometimes in wilder flight of intellectual fancy,...

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The importance of repression

Sep 30, 2021 by

by Park MacDougald, UnHerd: A little over a half-century ago, the sociologist Philip Rieff announced the “triumph of the therapeutic” with his 1966 book of the same name. Perhaps because the phrase itself is so striking, it has been...

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Just 1-in-5 Marriages Were Religious in UK, Dozens of Religious Gay Weddings Celebrated

Aug 14, 2021 by

by Victoria Friedman, Breitbart: Just one in five (21.1 per cent) of traditional, opposite-sex marriages in 2018 were religious ceremonies, the lowest on record, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The UK’s official...

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Jenrick warns the City of London Corporation to ensure “heritage and tradition are given robust protection”

Feb 12, 2021 by

By Harry Phibbs, Conservative Home: The City of London Corporation is very much an anomaly in terms of local authorities. In 1965, changes brought about in Greater London saw the creation of 32 boroughs. This was a dreary reform that saw...

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