Unity and Truth: Part IV

Jul 4, 2024 by

by Martin Davie: How should faithful Christians in the Church of England respond to what the bishops are proposing? Four principles for orthodox Anglicans. In thinking how to respond to what the bishops are proposing in GS 2358, there are...

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Unity and Truth : Part II

Jul 2, 2024 by

by Martin Davie: Part II: The unity of the Church In Part I we noted that there are two forms of the Church. There is the Church invisible consisting of all who are, or who will be, the people who belong to God. There is also the Church...

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Communal, Doctrinal, and Ethical Unity: Some Fundamental Clarifications

Jun 21, 2024 by

By Rollin Grams, Bible and Mission. (Editor’s note: An important piece by Dr Grams in the light of Bishop Martyn Snow’s recent misuse of Philippians 2 to advocate for diverse sexual ethics in the Church of England.) The word ‘unity’...

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The meaningless vacuity of just being ‘nice’

Jan 29, 2024 by

by Gavin Ashenden, Catholic Herald: The week of prayer for Christian unity has changed its character over the years. It used to be the ecclesiastical version of birdmen leaping off a beach pier contest; summed up as “see how far you can’t...

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What is Christian unity?: Abp of York: “good disagreement”; Rollin Grams: “one Lord, one faith, one bo...

Aug 13, 2023 by

by Barbara Gauthier: When the Archbishop of York delivered his Presidential Address to open General Synod, the only thing that received any attention from his audience, commentators and the media was a single comment: “For if this...

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The Theological Unity of the Church and Its Separation from Darkness

Jul 10, 2023 by

By Rollin Grams, Bible and Mission. (Editor’s note: In response to the notion of unity being bandied about at the General Synod, Dr Grams explains the New Testament concept of church unity)   Introduction Just what is the...

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