Chaplain wins apology after being told to remove small cross

Nov 29, 2022 by

from Christian Concern:

Marie Curie has unreservedly apologised to a Christian chaplain after he was told he would face ‘consequences’ and would need ‘re-training’ if he did not remove a half-inch badge pin with a cross on it from his jumper.

Derek Timms, a 73 year-old businessman turned chaplain from Solihull, was told by a Methodist minister at the charity’s Solihull branch, that he must not wear the cross as it might ‘offend’ and create ‘barriers’ with patients.

[…] The controversy began in September, shortly after Marie Curie’s Solihull branch announced that the job titles of members of the chaplaincy would be changed to ‘spiritual advisors.’ The move signalled that the visibility and role of the Christian faith would be neutralised at the organisation in favour of an ‘interfaith’ approach.

A new Methodist minister began leading the ‘spiritual advisors’ and after meeting Mr Timms told him in an email that she was ‘surprised’ he was wearing crosses and that he should ‘refrain’ from wearing them.

The email said: “In line with the ethos of hospice and healthcare chaplaincy, no religious symbols should be worn by those engaged in spiritual care. We need to be there for people of all faiths and none. Whilst I recognised you shared a story about one patient liking the cross you wore, it can create a barrier to others. The idea is that we should be appear neutral and that enables a spiritual encounter that is about what the person we are visiting needs.”

In response, Mr Timms asked why the crosses were prohibited as it “shows people I am a Christian chaplain.” He asked whether the same approach applied to Sikhs with turbans and Muslims wearing a burqa or prayer dress. He said that: “My faith helps me to help the patients and staff whether they have faith or not”, and added that, “I assume that on Tuesday if I am wearing my cross I will be sent home.”

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