Children are gifts, not projects

Jun 17, 2024 by

By Thomas Harrington, Mercator.

A few nights back, I had the pleasure of attending a Brownstone Supper Club presentation by Sheila Matthews-Gallo, the founder of AbleChild, an organisation that fights against the widespread practice of plying our children — mostly boys — with psychotropic drugs in the name of helping them overcome supposed behavioural problems and achieving better academic results.

In her talk, she explained how teachers, working with counsellors who have bought into the Pharma-generated campaign to medicalise student behaviours that are seen loosely as “non-compliant” or simply challenging for teachers, effectively coerce parents into turning their children into long-term users of personality-changing drugs at very tender ages, with all that that implies in terms of distorting or losing access to the unique sensorial abilities with which each child is born and that are, in many ways the forge of their unique way of perceiving, and hence acting in, the world.

She also spoke of the many apparent links between these drugs and seriously violent behaviour in a significant minority of those who take them, and how the government, working hand-in-hand with Pharma, has gone to great lengths to suppress any information that might allow analysts to determine once and for all if there is, in fact, a causal relationship between the consumption of these lucrative pharmaceuticals and the violent actions of the children that take them.

She closed by sharing the details of a number of the legal and bureaucratic battles she and her fellow mama-bears had waged, encouraging us all to be vigilant against the many forms of pro-drug coercion that are now effectively baked into the institutional lives of our schools.

Read here.

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