CHOP/CHAZ violates the purpose of government

Jun 25, 2020 by

by Rev Ben Johnson, Acton Institute:

The mayor and civil authorities took no action as protesters claimed a six-block section of downtown Seattle as the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. By their indifference and complicity, political leaders have failed into carry out the most primary functions and duties for which government is established.

City officials ordered police to abandon their position and cede the territory to protesters. This Tuesday CHAZ, since rebranded the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest, struck an agreement with the city to reduce its footprint to three blocks while police installed concrete barriers to prevent cars from driving into crowds of protesters. Safely ensconced behind these publicly funded barriers, CHOP protesters immediately reneged on the deal and blocked the street they had agreed to open.

Seattle’s inability to enforce the bargain they struck with an “autonomous” power is the least of its failures. By allowing the establishment of a “cop-free” zone, Seattle has engaged in numerous acts of malfeasance and nonfeasance. They include:

Not protecting residents’ safety. Shortly after the establishment of CHAZ/CHOP, Seattle Police Department Chief Carmen Best said that 911 “calls for service have more than tripled.” This included “emergency calls — rapes, robberies, and all sorts of violent acts that have been occurring in the area that we’re not able to get to.”

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