Christian Institute’s Questions for Election candidates and Webinars

Jun 10, 2024 by

Questions for Candidates

1 . Do you think schools should teach children that there are more than two genders?

  1. Will you oppose further decriminalisation of abortion?
  2. Would you ensure the ordinary work of churches is not criminalised by a ‘conversion therapy’ ban?
  3. Will you resist attempts to make it easier to change legal sex?
  4. Do you believe recreational drug use should be legal?
  5. Will you oppose moves to legalise assisted suicide?
  6. Should public sector workers have to affirm same-sex marriage or transgenderism?

Election webinars

Join one of our election webinars to consider the tremendous opportunity Christians have to act as salt and light at election time.

Monday 17 June at 7.30pm, or Tuesday 18 June at 12.30pm

Choose the time most convenient for you and use the link below to join the webinar five minutes before it starts:


Webinar ID: 820 7200 7236

Password: election24

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