Church gay marriage lobby gets a cuddle from Welby

Aug 15, 2022 by

By Julian Mann, TCW:

WOKE Anglican bishops from the West won two significant victories at the Archbishop of Canterbury’s 2022 Lambeth Conference.

The first was on August 2 when Justin Welby gushingly backed the Anglican Churches, particularly in the United States and Canada, which have ditched the traditional Christian teaching on marriage.

He told 650 bishops of the Anglican Communion, which has 41 self-governing Member Churches (Provinces) across 165 countries, gathered in the University of Kent at Canterbury from July 26 to August 8:

‘For the large majority of the Anglican Communion the traditional understanding of marriage is something that is understood, accepted and without question, not only by Bishops but their entire Church, and the societies in which they live.

‘For them, to question this teaching is unthinkable, and in many countries would make the church a victim of derision, contempt and even attack. For many churches to change traditional teaching challenges their very existence.

‘For a minority, we can say almost the same. They have not arrived lightly at their ideas that traditional teaching needs to change. They are not careless about Scripture. They do not reject Christ.

‘But they have come to a different view on sexuality after long prayer, deep study and reflection on understandings of human nature. For them, to question this different teaching is unthinkable, and in many countries is making the church a victim of derision, contempt and even attack. For these churches not to change traditional teaching challenges their very existence.’

It was this affirmation by the host of the conference that changing the traditional teaching is faithful to Christ and the Bible that sent the Western Anglican revisionists on their way rejoicing.

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