Church Society note on Prayers of Love and Faith

Oct 30, 2023 by

from Anglican Ink:

Included in the papers for the next General Synod is a lengthy document outlining the proposed process by which the House of Bishops will move ahead with the Prayers of Love and Faith. They have divided this into three sections:

1. Covenanted Friendships

In the initial draft of the PLF, there were various prayers proposed for covenanted friendships, without any explanation of what these friendships were, why they needed formal, public, covenantal promises, and why this was included. These have now been removed from the PLF. Guidance and prayers for covenanted friendships will be issued separately, commended by the bishops without any synodical approval, on the grounds that this does not represent or indicate any change in doctrine.

2. Commended Prayers

Bishops are free to commend prayers for use at any time, on the understanding that these do not represent a change in doctrine on any essential matter. In February, General Synod voted to support the bishops in commending the PLF, provided they were not indicative of any change in doctrine. The paper argues that the bishops only considered the former test, not the latter, and decided that the prayers did not indicate any essential change in doctrine and will, therefore, be commended along with an initial part of the pastoral guidance for their use. This guidance will not address the question of clergy in same sex relationships, nor the issue of provision for those who cannot use the prayers in good conscience. It is expected that the commendation of the prayers will happen shortly after November’s General Synod.

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