Cultural Marxism: or, how the West was lost

Jun 30, 2023 by

By Louis March, Mercatornet.

There’s been a lot of chatter lately about cultural Marxism, aka political correctness (PC) or wokeism. It is a strident creed, quite divisive and fueling the anything-goes promiscuity that preaches “tolerance” for just about anything except disagreement with wokeism, which is deemed “hateful” or “not inclusive.” It is eroding both the family and society.

The Hon. Miriam Cates
Tory MP Miriam Cates brought down the house at the UK National Conservative conference in May, citing cultural Marxism as a significant contributing factor to falling fertility:


British economic, industrial, educational and social policies over recent decades have collectively increased the cost and diminished the returns of raising children.

***** [When universities] tell young people that fulfilment is only to be found in education and career, then our bloated educational system has become a hindrance and not a help to family formation.

**** [L]iberal individualism has proven to be completely powerless to resist the cultural Marxism that is systematically destroying our children’s souls.

**** When culture, schools and universities openly teach that our country is racist, our heroes are villains, humanity is killing the earth, you are what you desire, diversity is theology, boundaries are tyranny and self-restraint is oppression, is it any wonder that mental health conditions, self-harm, suicide and epidemic levels of anxiety and confusion characterise the emerging generation? If we do not teach our children to value and be proud of our nation and its history, is it any surprise they do not want to be responsible for continuing it?

The pro-family MP knocked it out of the park. Bravo! Her speech was too much for the powers that be. Leftwing media attacked.

Read here.

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