David Tennant’s mask slipped when he attacked Kemi Badenoch

Jun 27, 2024 by

by Brendan O’Neill, The Times:

The Doctor Who luvvie has shown that if you call yourself a trans ally, you can boss women around.

There was a gathering in London on Friday at which one of the speakers openly wished for the disappearance of Britain’s most prominent black female politician. I just want her to “shut up”, he said. And the audience whooped and cheered. Like a baying mob, only more crisply dressed, they rattled their champagne glasses in pompous approval of this dream that a pesky woman in public life would f*** off into oblivion.

What sort of hellish meeting was this? A gathering of Seventies-style dinosaurs who learnt their sexual politics from Benny Hill, perhaps? A mob of iffy blokes who have a problem with strong black women, maybe? Actually, it was the British LGBT Awards.

Yes, this is the story of David Tennant insulting Kemi Badenoch as he picked up his gong for “best celebrity ally” — LOL — at the LGBT Awards last week. The former Doctor Who star slammed the equalities minister for daring to raise questions about the trans ideology and its effect on women’s sex-based rights.

He fantasised about a glorious future when “we wake up and Kemi Badenoch doesn’t exist any more”. Right away, the assembled woke worthies, the great and good of the alphabet soup, hooted with delight at this vision of a Kemi-free world.
I’m old enough to remember when it was at a very different kind of gathering that attendees would salivate over the erasure of problematic black women.

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Read also:  Dawn Butler under fire for saying Kemi Badenoch shouldn’t exist – Candidate for Brent East accused of bringing Labour into disrepute for agreeing with David Tennant’s remark that he wanted a world without the cabinet minister

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