Derek Mackay – The End of the Scottish Government?

Feb 7, 2020 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

I thought that last week’s banning of Franklin Graham was a watershed moment for our culture. This is even more so. If you agree with this analysis (or even if you don’t) please feel free to pass this on. I am aware of people who agree but are scared to pass it on because of the intimidation they might face in their work….so feel free to do it for them!

The Revolution begins here!

The End of the Scottish Government?

The Derek Mackay case has shaken Scottish politics to its core.   But this is more than a story about the ‘foolishness’ of a government minister caught grooming a 16-year-old boy. This is a story about the whole system in Scotland and a warning to the wider Western world. The Scottish government likes to portray itself as competing with Ireland, New Zealand and Iceland as the most ‘progressive’ government in the world. It continually boasts about Scotland’s (by which it means itself) ‘values’ and how we are leading the world. The Derek Mackay case is an indication of just where this leads and how false a claim it is.

This could be Scotland’s ‘Tokes’ moment. Laszlo Tokes was a Hungarian Reformed Pastor in Rumania, whose attempted arrest sparked off protests and the eventual downfall of Ceausescu, the Rumanian leader. Sometimes there are relatively minor events which act as a spark for revolution and the upturning of the old order.   This may well be one for Scotland.

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