Dismantling the police is another step toward anarchy

Jun 14, 2020 by

by Karen Harradine, The Conservative Woman:

ANARCHY is all the rage in America. Not content with looting and rioting, the neo-Marxist, revolutionary Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement are now pushing for police forces to be dismantled. The Democratic Party are cheering this on, hoping that Americans will blame further social unrest and economic uncertainty on President Trump and vote for Joe Biden in November.

Last week the mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, metaphorically took the knee and cut almost £5billion from his police force budget, earmarking it for community schemes. Given that New York has descended into crime-ridden chaos on his watch, this is a bad idea. Kowtowing to the demands of black supremacists and anarchists can lead only to further devastation. 

Los Angeles is on trend too with its mayor, Eric Garcetti, vowing to cut up to £119million from the police budget and give it to BAME communities instead.

Not to be outdone, Representative Ilhan Omar, an Islamist entryist into Congress, has capitalised on the chaos and gone one step further. She has called for the dismantling of the entire Minneapolis police department, despite escalating crime being a problem in the city.

Unsurprisingly all three cities are in Democrat-run states. A recent poll shows that 55 per cent of Democrats support the movement to defund the police. But 64 per cent of Americans overall oppose this. Jumping aboard this new woke bandwagon is going to end badly for the Democratic Party.

Yet city officials in Minneapolis have blindly followed Omar’s lead. In lieu of having a police force they plan to invite ‘the whole community’ to decide on policing strategy, a concept susceptible to corruption. Already there are ominous signs that politicians will decide who is worthy of being kept safe and who is not.

Lisa Bender, president of the Minneapolis city council, recently said the act of calling the police after criminals have broken into your home ‘comes from a place of privilege’. Given the loaded meaning of the world ‘privilege’ Americans unlucky enough to be living in Minneapolis will soon risk being accused of ‘white privilege’ should they become victims of crime and seek justice.

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