Does the NHS believe in biology?

May 3, 2024 by

by Lauren Smith, spiked:

Trans ideology has run amok in the health service for far too long.

This week, it was announced that the NHS will declare sex to be a biological fact. Tory health secretary Victoria Atkins has vowed that the health service will ‘respect’ the fact that sex matters.

To anyone not following the twists and turns of the culture war, this will probably sound utterly bizarre. After all, how can a modern health service expect to function if it rejects or is sceptical about the science of biology? Yet in recent years, like so many of the UK’s other major institutions, the NHS has become overrun with gender ideology. We really do have doctors and other healthcare professionals who think biology is unimportant.

This week’s announcement relates to proposed changes to the NHS constitution, which sets out the rights of both patients and staff. If all goes to plan, after an eight-week consultation period, the constitution will be amended to define ‘sex as biological sex’. It is probably no coincidence that these proposals come just after last month’s publication of Dr Hilary Cass’s review into the NHS youth gender-identity services. This has led to a long overdue shift in the conversation around trans ideology and healthcare.

[…]  While these changes will be welcomed by the vast majority of patients, NHS bosses are not happy and are likely to dig their heels in. Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, which represents healthcare leaders, complained that the NHS was being ‘dragged into a pre-election culture-wars debate’, rather than being allowed to ‘focus on high-quality care for all’.

In truth, it was NHS leaders who imposed this culture war on our healthcare system in the first place. Over the past few years, hospitals across the UK have turned themselves into temples to gender-identity ideology. They have rewritten their policies and reorganised their facilities to pander to trans activists. And they’ve spaffed away taxpayer money on pointless virtue-signalling junk, from rainbow badges to Pride decorations.

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