Egypt: 1,400 Years of Christian Persecution

May 23, 2024 by

By Uzay Balat, European Conservative.

On the evening of April 23, a large number of Egyptian Muslims gathered and attacked Coptic Christian homes in Minya Governorate’s village of Al-Fawakhir after a rumor spread that Christians had turned a home into a church.

Representatives of  Open Doors, an organization that monitors Christian persecution on a global scale, told The European Conservative what happened next:

The majority of Muslims in this village are extremists, and there are tribes of Libyan origin causing problems for Christians. The village does not have a church. Christians occasionally gather and pray in one of their homes. Recently, a rumor spread in the village that the Christians would turn this house into a church.

Radical Muslims attacked the Coptic homes in the village. They looted some houses and set them on fire, preventing the Copts from leaving their homes under the threat of weapons after igniting the fires (some of the Muslims were carrying firearms). The material losses are very high. Before the attack on the Coptic homes, the Copts contacted the police for protection, but the police arrived an hour after the attack and managed to control the situation, arresting some of the attackers, and security forces are still deployed in the village.

Three days after the mob attack in Al-Fawakhir village, Christians in the village of Al-Kom Al-Ahmar in Minya were also exposed to violent attacks at the hands of Muslims. The Cairo-based Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) reported:

According to eyewitnesses, hundreds of [Muslim] residents of Al-Kom Al-Ahmar and neighboring villages staged a march after the Friday prayers on 26 April, chanting anti-Christian slogans and protesting the construction of a licensed evangelical church.

Protesters threw stones at Coptic homes in the village, shattering the doors and windows of some of them. They then went to the plot of land being prepared for the church, damaged 12 tons of cement and backfilled a drain, then moved towards the homes of Copts, breaking the windows and doors of some of them, and damaging three cars.

Read here.

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