Election briefing

Nov 18, 2019 by

from The Christian Institute:

Our new Election Briefing is now available to view online.

The Institute’s 2019 Election Briefing analyses party policies from a biblical perspective. It covers a wide range of issues of concern to Christians – religious liberty, abortion, marriage and the family, education, and many others.

If you are on our postal mailing list, a free paper copy will be sent to you next week. If you are not, and would like to join our postal mailing list to receive a free copy of Election Briefing 2019, please send us your address.


The General Election will soon be upon us. Over the next few weeks candidates and their canvassers may call on you at home or stop to talk with you on the street.

The Christian Institute is a registered charity and does not endorse any political party or candidate. But to help you find out their views, our candidate QuestionCard is also now available. Here are our top six questions:

  1. Do you believe the law on abortion is too lax, too restrictive or about right?
  2. Should the law allow assisted suicide?
  3. Should it be made easier for children to change their gender and use toilets and changing rooms for the opposite sex?
  4. Do you believe recreational use of drugs should be legal?
  5. Do you believe divorce should be made quicker and easier?
  6. Should parents be able to withdraw their children from Relationships Education if they feel it is appropriate to do so?

Choose one or two questions and put them to your candidates. This lets them know what you are concerned about. Asking questions at election time is a great way to be a Christian witness.

Get in touch with your candidates today by email or social media. The candidates for your constituency (and their contact details) are available here: whocanivotefor.co.uk

At this election time, let’s remember that Christians are commanded to pray for those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-4) and act as salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16).

Download briefing here


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