Episcopal House of Bishop Agonize over Attending Lambeth 2020

Sep 27, 2019 by

by David Virtue, VOL:

You would have thought by now, that with all the resolutions passed by the Episcopal Church’s General Conventions, over many years, that homosexuality, in all its pluriform manifestations, would be a done deal and that going to Lambeth next year would be a simple matter of ho hum it’s off to Canterbury we go.

That would be too easy. With one eye on the Archbishop of Canterbury and another eye on the Global South, The Episcopal Church would simply affirm that the three bishops in question would take their same sex partners to Canterbury and embarrass the hell out of Welby by holding press conferences on the University of Canterbury grounds and simply steal his thunder. Gene Robinson did that to great effect when he was denied access to the sacred hall of deep thinkers run by the then deeply conflicted Dr. Rowan Williams.

But no, the HOB meeting in Minneapolis this week wanted everyone to feel their pain of exclusion, and then whine, cajole and somehow let it be known that the grand “doctrine” of inclusion was under siege. They wanted to let Justin Welby know that their faux outrage could not be ignored. Oh, the pain! They did everything short of renting their cassocks and declare themselves out of communion with Canterbury. But it was not to be.

The House of Bishops’ Fall meeting in Minneapolis drafted and approved a response to Welby’s decision not to invite the spouses of bishops in same-sex marriages to the 2020 Lambeth Conference. The statement, entitled A Message of Love and Solidarity from the Bishops and Spouses to The Episcopal Church, emphasized that Welby’s invitation decision had been hurtful.

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