Episcopal House of Bishops makeup changing to incorporate greater diversity

Dec 20, 2019 by

by Mary Ann Mueller, Virtueonline:

The makeup of the Episcopal Church’s House of Bishops (HOB) has taken a decidedly diverse, inclusive, multicultural turn.

“The truth is we’re family. We may be dysfunctional — and we are half the time — but don’t worry. When we really are family there for each other, it works,” Presiding Bishop Michael Curry thundered in in the fall of 2018. “No matter what their politics happen to be, no matter their sexual orientation, no matter their social class, no matter their educational degree, no matter their nationality, no matter who they are.”

These comments came during “An Evening with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry” which was held on Sept. 30, 2018, at St. John’s Episcopal School in Upper Tumon, Guam. The focus of the evening’s gathering was “Diversity and Inclusion.”

“Nothing less than human civilization itself, nothing less than the very survival of this creation, this world itself, depends on our capacity and willingness to be truly inclusive and to affirm our diversity,” the Presiding Bishop preached.

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