Exposed: How Home Office Islamic Network aims to recruit Muslim staff and ‘influence policymakers’ from the inside

Apr 14, 2024 by

by Steven Edgington, GB News:

The Islamic Network has over 700 members of Home Office staff who say they aim to influence Government policy,

A Home Office Islamic Network aims to recruit Muslim staff and “influence policymakers” to support “Muslim needs”, a GB News investigation can reveal.
Leaked documents show the group of over 700 civil servants say they aim to “promote the recruitment, retention and progression of Muslim staff in the Home Office” and “influence policymakers so that policy is more inclusive of Muslim needs”.
GB News has seen a list of their aims, published on an internal Government website, which also include to “promote a clear understanding of generic Islam”, “Provide advice and guidance to senior civil service management on religious issues that affect Muslim staff” and “Facilitate and support Home Office engagement with external stakeholders from Muslim communities”.
According to the leaked documents, the Home Office network, set up in 2005, does not allow non-Muslim staff to become full members; they can sign up to be “associate members” only.

A Home Office whistleblower told GB News: “Having an Islamic lobby group inside the Home Office represents a serious threat to the Government’s aims in combating Islamic extremism and granting asylum to those fleeing Islamic countries over religious persecution.”
“The network has already produced pro-Hijab propaganda which it sent to asylum seeker decision makers in the Home Office, and explicitly states it aims to influence policy to support their religious goals.”

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