Facism in Australia? – A Warning for the West

Sep 3, 2020 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea:

The word ‘fascism’ is flung around far too quickly.  Everytime you disagree with someone you are labelled ‘fascist’!  So I am extremely reluctant to use it….but in the following case I think it is legitimate.  This is truly shocking.   Let’s first of all define our terms.  This is what we mean by Fascism.

Fascism a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.  Or…..a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

This happened in Australia yesterday….

Masked policemen enter a private residence, handcuff a pregnant woman in her pyjamas, in front of her children, confiscate all the devices in her home (including those which are not hers) and take her away.  What did she do?  She posted something on Facebook in support of anti lockdown protest. It’s about as mild and compliant as you can get – even encouraging people to wear masks!   What astounds me is that she offered to withdraw it because she did not know it was illegal.  An offer they refused despite knowing that she had an ultrasound due in an hour.  It is utterly astounding.   And it’s not the first time that Melbourne police, in their new role as the stormtroopers for Daniel Andrews regime, have demonstrated these authoritarian tendencies.  The following is a woman for example, being arrested for not wearing a facemask.

Can you imagine if this was of an African American being arrested by police in Mississippi? The memes, riots and politicians citing ‘You’re choking me’ would be world wide by now! But this is just a woman refusing to wear a facemask. Or lets take the earlier example – did the police visit the organisers of the BLM marches (illegal at the time), arrest them in front of their children, seize their phones and computers? Did they go to the homes of those who in support of BLM posted on Facebook that they would defy the law? It would be a cold day in Darwin before that would happen!

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