Faith, sexuality and conversion therapy: how not to do research

Feb 23, 2019 by

by Judith Sture, Archbishop Cranmer:

We can only applaud those who wish to carry out research to help improve the lives of others. But the Ozanne Foundation’s Faith and Sexuality ‘survey’ is not the way to do it.

The Bishop of Liverpool states: “The statistics reflect lives which have been scarred and strained by mixed messaging of love, acceptance, condemnation and fear.”

Jayne Ozanne states: “The results provide strong evidence of the harm that attempts to change sexual orientation are reported to inflict.”

Well, sorry, but they don’t.

They show some people’s feelings and opinions. That’s not actual evidence of harm unless a lot more detail is gathered. LGBT+ people deserve better! And so do conservative traditionalists.

4,613 people responded to the survey online. Just over half identified as LGBT+. Most of the data simply shows what a relatively small number of respondents – compared to the general population – think about their situation. 458 people reported having experience of trying to change their orientation. Of these, 381 said this consisted of private prayer or prayer with a close friend. Is this really to be considered as ‘conversion therapy’?

The fact that a small number reported ‘forced’ sexual activity is appalling, but we don’t know what it involved. Legally, this would be a criminal act and should result in prosecution. The fact that it may have taken place in a religious context is arguably irrelevant – it’s a crime.

Read here

See also: Press freedom and journalistic integrity eroded by ‘conversion therapy’ bans, from Christian Concern

Activists will target churches who counsel LGBT people, therapist warns ‘God’s Voice’ conference, by Michael Gryboski, Christian Post

“I used to be a lesbian”: an interview with Jackie Hill Perry from Premier Christianity

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