Female Prison Guards Having Hanky Panky

Jan 5, 2024 by

by Nick Buckley MBE:

Every week there seems to be another story in the newspapers about the prosecution of a female prison officer or employee. It is always around sexual misconduct with a male prisoner – they usually claim ‘Love made me do it!’. These incidents are not really about a bit of hanky panky in a damp Victorian cell, but the smuggling of mobile phones, drugs and other contraband.

Why would a professional officer do such a thing? It seems to be mainly a female officer problem. Females accounted for 42% of all prison staff. According to government figures, in the last three years, 36 prison officers have been sacked for inappropriate relationships with prisoners: 31 female, 5 male.

I had a pint with a newly qualified prison guard a few years ago. He told me that this issue is rife in the prison service and everyone knows it. He had only been doing the job a few weeks and some officers had told him to be watchful of his female colleagues for they are a weak point in security.

For the record, let me state that male prison guards also smuggle in contraband. But these incidents are nearly always a business opportunity to make money and no bodily fluids are exchanged.

The first question that pops into my mind is why are women working in male prisons?

Women are too weak to control men if they do not wish to be controlled. It makes sense to me to have prison guards made up of the sex of the prisoners. I do not want a man guarding female prisoners for obvious reasons. But it seems that diversity and box ticking strike again!

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