For Western Countries Freedom of Religion Ends Where LGBT Rights Begin

Nov 3, 2023 by

By Iulia Cazan and Stefano Gennarini, JD, C-Fam:

Western governments expressed support for religious freedom in the General Assembly last week even as they attacked traditional religious beliefs about marriage and family around the world.

In the social policy committee of the General Assembly last week, the European Union promised “strong support” for religious freedom and said, “everybody has a right to believe and not to believe.” The United States agreed and encouraged governments to work with people of faith as “partners.”

These statements cannot be taken at face value because for years, Western governments have supported only one kind of religious freedom, and it is the kind that celebrates and promotes homosexual/trans issues.

Indeed, the same Western delegations that expressed support for freedom of religion in the General Assembly also support efforts to limit freedom of religion when it comes to homosexual/trans issues. They only partner with pro-homosexual/trans religious groups and try to streamline such policies internationally.

The UN human rights office recently called on governments to limit freedom of religion when religious leaders and groups oppose homosexual/trans issues. The report, covered by the Friday Fax earlier this year, called on governments to censor religious leaders with traditional beliefs. Moreover, the report calls for support of dissident religious groups that agitate against traditional beliefs about marriage and family. They want dissidents to change religions teachings from within.

That UN report was not mere rhetoric. It was fully backed by the U.S. government and EU officials, and it is based on dozens of already existing Western policies and programs that seek to control religion in order to promote homosexual/trans issues.

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