GAFCON and ACC: reports and comment
The heart of Gafcon and the future of the Anglican Church, from The Pastor’s Heart. “The new leaders of GAFCON, Primate’s Council Chair, Archbishop Foley Beach (of the Anglican Church in North America) and General Secretary Benjamin Kwashi (of Jos, Nigeria) sat down with Dominic Steele to talk about their heart as pastors and the future of GAFCON and the Anglican Church.
Proclaiming Christ Faithfully to the Nations: a Communique from the Gafcon Primates’ Council
Gafcon gathers Bishops in June 2020 to guard and proclaim the faith, by Phil Ashey, AAC
Gafcon Primates to hold conference for orthodox Bishops in Rwanda in 2020, by David Virtue, VirtueOnline
Gafcon confirms they will boycott Lambeth conference of Bishops, by Cara Bentley, Premier
Church of Nigeria, Anglican Church in North America reach agreement on CANA Dioceses: ACNA Press release
Statement from GAFCON chairman Archbishop Foley Beach on Canterbury’s invitation to ACNA to observe Lambeth 2020
What really happened at the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC 17)? by Andrew Atherstone, Psephizo: “there was something for everyone, both gospel proclamation and social justice, with a weighting towards the latter. It was an excellent week for building better cohesion in the Anglican world, and forming new friendships…But ACC-17 also raises a number of significant questions about the future of Anglicanism.”
GAFCON and ACC-17: a response to Andrew Atherstone, by Stephen Noll, Contending Anglican. Andrew Atherstone discusses the status of ACNA without mentioning the role of Gafcon. This won’t do….There will be no way, Andrew, for the Archbishop of Canterbury to convene a task group to deal with ACNA without dealing with Gafcon, and there will be no way to have a fruitful dialogue with Gafcon without backing up to Lambeth 1998 and the “consequences” that flowed from it. And such a turnaround by Canterbury has been repeatedly refused.
Disagreement and faithfulness, by Susie Leafe, AAC
Lambeth 2020 Chaos, from Gafcon Quarterly Newsletter
Calm urged as Anglican split over sexuality threatens to deepen, by Marcus Jones, Premier