Gender ideology and other dogmas of the new global order

May 9, 2016 by

from Voice of the Family:

Rome Life Forum – 6 May 2016.


Under the guise of fighting homophobia, sex education, freedom of choice, LGBT rights, and non-discrimination we are experiencing the imposition of gender ideology – an ideology that is asserted all over the world with religious fervor. Unlike the Christian faith however, this set of beliefs is imposed rather than proposed.

Gender ideology is the intellectual underpinning of the homosexual movement.  It proposes that a person’s sex is not biologically determined but that it was historically socially constructed and that individuals should have the choice to determine their own sex – or gender.  It is a belief system that denies bodily reality and forbids even the consideration of the risk factors associated with abnormal sexual activity.  It employs the education system, national legislation, attacks on religion and the Church in an effort to achieve total adherence.

To demonstrate how ubiquitous is the new faith, you may note that there are now 71 different genders to choose from when you sign up for Facebook – the most popular social media site in the world with over a billion active users.

But as Gabriele Kuby would say, there are much more dire implications since the ideology has been taken up by governments and is being written into the legal codes all over the western world. She posits that now that gender theory has been widely adopted, the gender ideologues insist that “society must not only tolerate but positively accept any kind of sexual orientation.”

A new religion

This ideology, I would posit, is profoundly religious, with profound religious implications.  As Pope Francis has said repeatedly, the pushing of “gender theory” is a type of “ideological colonization” where like the “Hitler youth,” they come to impose their “doctrine.”

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