Has the Pro-Trans Side Lost the Culture War in Britain?

Jun 18, 2024 by

by Noah Carl, The Daily Sceptic:

Which side is winning the debate over transgender rights in Britain?

Some indicators suggest it’s the pro-trans side – the side that believes transgender people should be able to use women’s bathrooms and compete in women’s sports. For example, various gender critical feminists have been petitioned, cancelled and bullied out of their jobs. In addition, you have once-great journals like The Lancet requiring authors to use the ridiculous term ‘sex assigned at birth’.

However, some indicators point in the other direction. As a new report makes clear, public opinion has become substantially less favourable to the pro-trans side of the debate. (The report is based on data from the British Social Attitudes survey – a long-running survey based on high quality sampling methods and face-to-face interviews.)

Consider the table below, which shows the percentage of Britons who agree or disagree that “a person who is transgender should be able to have the sex recorded on their birth certificate changed if they want”.

Table from ‘Five years of unprecedented challenges: The impact of the 2019-2024 Parliament on public opinion’.

Back in 2016, a sizeable majority of 58% agreed that a transgender person should be able to change the sex recorded on their birth certificate, compared to only 22% who disagreed. Fast forward to 2023 and the percentages have almost flipped. Now, 50% of people disagree and only 24% agree. This is a remarkably large shift in public opinion in such a short space of time.

Okay, but does it only apply to the rather specific issue of sex recorded on birth certificates? Apparently not.

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