Helping LGBT Individuals Change Is Not a Crime!

Mar 10, 2020 by


Dear Honourable Senators and Members of Parliament,

I am opposed to government efforts to criminalize all forms of so-called “conversion therapy” in Bill S-202. This Bill includes an outrageous ban on change therapy, counselling, advice, and prayer for those who no longer wish to identify as LGBT.

It is wrong to deny same-sex attracted and gender-confused people the option of pursuing change in their orientation, identity, or behaviours, if they so choose. If a person is experiencing unwanted same-sex attractions or gender dysphoria, he/she should have the freedom to seek medical, psychological, or spiritual counsel and/or treatment in order to obtain personal healing and wellness.

Studies prove that change is not only possible, but also very natural among people who identify as LGBT. “Of the 7.5% of men and 8.7% of women who chose a nonheterosexual descriptor at ages 18 to 21, 43% of the men and 46% of the women chose a different category by age 23. Among the same-sex-attracted youth who changed, 57% of the men’s changes and 62% of the women’s changes involved switching to completely heterosexual.” (Diamond and Rosky, “Scrutinizing Immutability: Research on Sexual Orientation and U.S. Legal Advocacy for Sexual Minorities,” The Journal of Sex Research 53).

People who identify as LGBT have the right to change, if they are so inclined. They should not be denied access to those who are willing, qualified, and trained to help them.

Read and sign petition here


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