How Do You Solve a Problem Like Jesuit Sex Abuse?

Mar 25, 2024 by

by Jules Gomes, The Stream:

Historians remember the orgy-loving Borgia pope, Alexander VI, as the protagonist of the raunchiest soap opera in papal history. In 1501, on the Sunday before All Hallows, the pope’s bastard, Cardinal Cesare Borgia, hosted his scandalous “Banquet of Chestnuts.”

At the bacchanalia held in the Apostolic Palace, the 70-year-old pontiff and his clergy were entertained by 50 “honest whores” who were asked to disrobe and forage on the floor for the chestnuts as a prelude to what spoilsports today would label “clerical sex abuse.”

[…] Five hundred years later, Rodrigo Borgia’s Argentinian successor is presiding over another X-rated soap opera involving his friend and fellow Jesuit, Fr. Marko Ivan Rupnik. In December 2022, Italian nun “Anna” revealed that during the 1990s the celebrity mosaic artist had forced nuns into a ménage à trois, claiming they were imitating the Holy Trinity.

Jesuit Wokeness

The Jesuits finally booted the Slovenian priest from their ranks in June 2023 not because he had violated his vow of chastity by sexually abusing approximately 25 nuns, or for that matter his vow of poverty (Rupnik was running a million-euro art company) — but because he broke his vow of obedience by infringing upon the travel restrictions his superiors had imposed on him.

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