How Publicly Funded Colleges Encourage Dangerous Sex With Porn, Condoms, And Lies

Aug 22, 2019 by

by Kara Bell, The Federalist:

At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I was led behind closed doors to watch a performance depicting how “all white people are racist,” and asked to raise my hand if I identified with a point of privilege, such as being “white, English-speaking, or straight.” This inherently racist propaganda is only topped by university-funded programs like Sex Week, where facilitators snort and giggle as students stuff their pockets full of free colorful, glow-in-the-dark, and flavored condoms.

As an organization for conservative women on college campuses, the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women often plunges into deep conversations with students about campus culture. Often, the rising rates of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), hooking up, and sexual assault surface as top concerns.

Normalizing Risky, Unhealthy Sex

Universities’ efforts to endorse sexually profligate lifestyles often result in cringey attempts to normalize bizarre, risky, and even destructive behavior. Events, curriculum, and programs prodding fornication, kinky activity, and pornography feed off the naiveté of freshman boys and girls to normalize particular avenues of sexual pleasure and “disinfect” campus of “heteronormativity.”

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