How to alienate good people

Nov 5, 2021 by

by Charles Wide, The Critic:

Having insulted thousands of its blameless members, the Church of England now aims to embed racial distinction in its very structures.

On 7 October, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York announced the membership of a new Racial Justice Commission “to help [them] fulfil their commitments to identify, respond to, and root out systemic racism in the Church”.

Its remit includes reviews of: theology, slavery, history and memory, culture and liturgy, complaints handling, participation, and patronage. It is apparent from what has already transpired that these topics will be approached, as the Archbishops intend, with a racially-focused, radical agenda which embeds racial distinction in the structures of the Church.

According to the Archbishop of York, the Commission will be “representative of complex interests and expertise within and beyond the Church”. Whatever or whoever else the Commission represents, it does not represent the many thousands of sincere, thoughtful, sensible, Christian members of the Church of England who are not racist, who reasonably and truthfully believe they are not unconsciously racist, and who do not accept the Archbishop of Canterbury’s sweeping assertion that, “there is no doubt when we look at our own Church that we are still deeply institutionally racist”.

Furthermore, they are not taken in by being told that this does not mean they are personally racist. A report on which the Archbishop relies, says this: “we are compelled to acknowledge the corporate nature of the sin of racism … Our inability to deal with this sin, even if we feel we are not racist in ourselves, is a sin. Our silence is our sin.”

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