Interfaith charity that stayed silent on Oct 7 Hamas attacks to close

Feb 11, 2024 by

by Will Hazell, Telegraph:

Government ends funding of Inter Faith Network due to its links with Muslim Council of Britain.

An interfaith charity has said it is preparing to close because of a decision by the Government to end funding because of its links to the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB).

The Inter Faith Network (IFN) said that it was with “great regret” that it had taken an “in-principle decision to move towards closure of the organisation”.

The IFN was founded in 1987 as a charity to “make better known and understood the teachings, traditions and practices of the different faith communities in the UK” and to build “good relations between people of different faiths”.

The organisation has been heavily reliant on taxpayer support, receiving £3.8 million from the Government since 2010.

However, last month The Telegraph revealed that Michael Gove, the Communities Secretary, had written to the charity saying he was “minded” to end funding because it counts a member of the MCB among its trustees.

The MCB has been subject to a Whitehall-wide engagement ban dating to 2009 when an official at the council signed the Istanbul Declaration, which was widely interpreted as calling for attacks on Royal Navy vessels enforcing a UN weapons blockade on Hamas-run Gaza.

The MCB has previously said that it “never endorsed the declaration” and “specifically reject any notion that we endorse an attack on the Royal Navy”.

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