Is Britain still a Christian country?

Aug 31, 2023 by

Responses to the recent Church of England clergy survey pubished in The Times:

(A brief resume may be read here)

Why Most Anglican Clergy Now Approve Gay Marriage—and What This Means for the Future of the Church by Carl R Trueman, First Things

(Newer items at the top)

To resurrect the church, try the gospel truth by A N Wilson, The Times (£).  For non-subscribers, some of the article together with letter in response may be read here

Headless Chickens by Campbell Campbell-Jack

The Times defends and explains its survey of CofE clergy, Religion Media Centre (scroll down)

Press: News desks struggle with true doctrine, Church Times

The Scripture and Unbelieving Church Leaders by Dave Doveton, Anglican Mainstream

C of E being ‘fatally wounded’ by clergy who don’t agree on doctrine says Synod member, after Times survey by Donna Birrell, Premier

C of E clergy stats based on dodgy Times poll, Coalition for Marriage

Concern trolling the clergy by Ian Paul, Artillery Row

Explanation on methodology from statistician Revd Peter Ould

The Church of England’s death knell is ringing by Marcus Walker, Telegraph

‘England always has been and always will be a Christian country. That does not mean we will always have a Church of England.’ Rev Calvin Robinson, GB News

Anglicanism’s self-fulfilling decline by Melanie Phillips

Has the Church stopped working? by Giles Fraser, UnHerd

The Church of England’s decline is taking its toll on frontline clergy morale by Julian Mann, Christian Today

Church of England called to be faithful after Times survey by Raymond Powell, Christian Today:

Don’t tell me what to think by George Pitcher

Survey shows many CofE ministers not upholding doctrine, Christian Concern

Public opinion and a ‘prophetic’ voice – Bishop Nick (Baines) responds to newspaper survey

Michael Nazir-Ali responds to Times survey on clergy beliefs, GB News: ‘Christianity cannot be decided by counting heads!’ With Jacob Rees-Mogg

The Rt Revd Gavin Collins, Bishop of Dorchester spoke to Times Radio about the findings of a major survey of Church of England Clergy published by The Times newspaper.

What do Anglican clergy think about ‘Christian’ Britain, sexuality, and clergy morale? by Ian Paul, Psephizo

Times survey shows majority of CofE clergy favour conversion therapy ban, Religion Media Centre (scroll down)

“Britain is no longer a Christian country”: Rev Dr Ian Paul responds

The Times surveys Church of England clergy opinions, Thinking Anglicans (Some interesting comments from this revisionist website)

Times clergy poll finds almost 50-per-cent support for same-sex weddings by Madeleine Davies, Church Times

Times letters: Changing attitudes in the Church of England

Most Church of England priests back gay marriage, survey finds by Alexandra Topping, Guardian

The Church of England is doomed – only real believers can save Christianity in Britain by Calvin Robinson, GB News

Watch on Talk TV:  Ann Widdecombe discusses with Mike Graham

For those interested in how attitudes have changed within the Church, a much more wide-ranging survey was conducted in 2002 by Christian Research for Cost of Conscience.  It is interesting to note how the ordination of women has impacted doctrine.

Some summaries of it may still be read online.  See

The Mind of Anglicans by Fr Robbie Low

The Mind of Anglicans Part II

The Mind of Anglicans Part III




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