Islam in British democracy and the dangers to our Jewish neighbours

Jul 4, 2024 by

By Gavin Ashenden, Catholic Herald.

For the first time, this 4 July a British General Election will be fought in part over Islamic ideology.

There are currently four constituencies where Muslims constitute over 50 per cent of the electorate in 2024. Tim Dieppe, Head of Public Policy at Christian Concern, has published figures showing the slow steady growth of Islamic influence in the British Electorate.

A recent report revealed that Islam is the largest minority religion in 129 of the 220 most marginal seats in this UK General Election.

The influence of marginal seats has been highlighted by Rishi Sunak in the run up to the vote, suggesting that a small number of disillusioned conservatives are all it would take to deliver a hung parliament.

It was a shock to many people to discover that after the local elections a few months previously, Muslims who stood for office in different parties and were elected, then claimed a victory for Palestine in their fight against Israel.

In one ward, the British Green Party candidate Mothin Ali, who won the Gipton and Harehills seat in Leeds with 3,070 votes, proclaimed his election was a “win for the people of Gaza”.

After the results were announced, he shouted “Allahu Akbar!” while supporters unfurled a Palestinian flag behind him.

However hospitable and multicultural one wants to be, hearing the victory cry of militant Islam, the “Allahu Akbar” found on the lips of too many practitioners of terror in a crumbling Europe, felt like a warning signal for the emergence of a new political landscape.

Our democracy has been taken by surprise.

Read here.

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