Italian Exorcist: Satanist Mentality Becoming Normal Among Youth

Jan 7, 2020 by

by Jules Gomes, Church Militant:

A veteran exorcist is signaling that an epidemic of aggressive satanism leading to violence among young people could lead to the breakdown of society.

“As satanism and occult practices become increasingly normal among young people,” a violent mentality which is “very, very dangerous for our society” is accelerating, Dominican priest Fr. Francois Dermine is warning.

“It’s not only a vague fear, it’s a very concrete risk. We must not underestimate this, because violence among young people is becoming more and more diffused,” the exorcist for the Italian archdiocese of Ancona-Osimo told Crux.

By indulging in the occult at an early age, children and young people were in danger of acquiring “a satanist mentality” which resulted from a familiarity with the demonic world. Such familiarity with satanism becomes normal at a certain point.

And when it does, “they risk passing from the culture to the acts. They can become evil themselves very easily,” warned Dermine, who has been involved in the ministry of exorcism for a quarter of a century.

The exorcist blamed secularization, family disintegration and the promotion of demonic literature and video games among children for the contagion of “aggressive satanism.”

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