Italy, Eastern European countries reject EU’s radical new LGBT declaration

May 26, 2024 by

by Jonathon Van Maren, The Bridgehead:

On May 17, the European Union released a statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU for the so-called “International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transphobia.” It was a declaration of the new Western values, calling on countries everywhere to “focus on fighting inequalities and multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination” to ensure that “justice” will “apply to everyone regardless of their actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity.” 

The EU further declared that: 

On IDAHOT Day, and every day, we call on governments around the world to repeal discriminatory legislation, take action to tackle and eliminate hate crimes and hate speech, prevent all forms of violence against LGBTI persons [sic], and tackle structural and institutional barriers and biases that still limit the participation of LGBTI persons [sic] in decision-making and political processes… The EU continues to work with partners on inclusive laws and policies.

At this point, internationally recognized “LGBT awareness periods” occupy much of the calendar year, making up a sort of post-Christian liturgical cycle. May 19 is “Agender Pride Day”; April 6 is “International Asexuality Day” (in which everyone presumably leaves each other alone); September 16-22 is “Bisexual Awareness Week,” followed by “Celebrate Bisexuality Day” on September 23; October 17-24 is “Genderfluid Visibility Week,” and July 19 is “Drag Day.” There are 26 internationally recognized “LGBT awareness” days (or weeks), with some countries having plenty of domestic days as well. Canada has moved from a four-week “Pride Month” to a four-month “Pride Season.” Federally funded, of course. 

Notably, not all EU countries signed off on the recent declaration of fealty and obeisance to the LGBT agenda.

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