Jews, Christians and Muslims unite against Governments RSE Guidelines
from the Church of England Newspaper:
Members of major faith groups in England have launched a website “” to challenge the Relationships Education and RSE Guidelines that are to be voted on in Parliament. The site is named 40 days because there is a maximum 40 day journey for the guidelines to become legally binding. The Desert Wandering, Temptation Narrative and Lenten periods of 40 periods of time are also in view.
The website calls for people to protect the innocence of children, allow parents to decide how to educate their children in RSE, resist state intervention outside the remit of the core curriculum and maintain traditional family values.
They argue that education promulgated via Relationships Education and RSE will ultimately transform Britain into a post-modern liberal society which does not distinguish gender, destroys family life as we know it and undermines if not humiliates religion. They believe the Government are overriding parental rights and adversely affecting the development, safety and mental well-being of our children because the Relationships Education and RSE guidelines will permanently alter fundamental British values, are being used to promote new ideologies, and go beyond the remit of the law. They note that the Department for Education ignored much public opinion about the suitability of Relationships Education and RSE in our schools.
The website invites people to note their support for this challenge by pledging a pound. There remains the need to alert the government to the silent group of people in the UK who are unaware how this will affect not only every child in the country but also ultimately the moral fibre of the UK.
In a letter to the Times Professor Geoffrey Alderman of Buckingham University noted that the right of parents to have their children educated in accordance with their beliefs is guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights (to which the UK is a signatory). But the government’s proposals — in draft regulations now before parliament — seek to abridge this right. “This ignores the results of the government’s own formal consultation upon which these proposals are supposed to be based. In that consultation no less than 64 per cent of responses declared that the proposed content for relationships and sex education at secondary-school level was not “age-appropriate,” while 58 per cent voiced an identical concern about relationships education at primary level.”
Another Times correspondent noted that the regulations reversed the principle of the Test Acts for teachers that the state cannot impose particular beliefs on anyone by requiring teachers to teach in accord with the guidelines. The judgement in the recent Ashers Bakery case also affirmed a similar principle with relation to freedom of conscience and belief.