Lockdown Starter Bible launched

Apr 11, 2020 by

The Lockdown Starter Bible is a resource which people can access immediately in their own homes. It can be read from start to finish in 14 minutes. The Starter Bible is a kind of Bible overview, but told in the Bible’s own words. Everything needed is to be found on lockdownstarterbible.com. The Starter Bible can be downloaded in scrolling format, or in a version which when printed out on two sheets of paper makes an 8-page booklet. Six introductory talks of c.10-12 minutes are available via YouTube which take people through the text, explain the meaning and give pointers for getting deeper into the Bible. It has been launched with the current Covid 19 crisis in mind, and the intention is that readers will meet God in the scriptures.
If you felt able to pass on the availability of this resource in any way you can I would be most grateful.
Rev Canon Robert Capper, Church of Wales

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